Department of Legal, Personnel and General Affairs

Departments Department of Legal, Personnel and General Affairs

The Zagreb Red Cross City Society is a legal entity in accordance with the Law on the Croatian Red Cross, the Statute of the Croatian Red Cross and the Statute of the Zagreb City Red Cross Society.

Quick Access


Reception Desk

Telefon: + 385 1 3778 236
Fax: + 385 1 3770 681
Address: Ilica 223, 10000 Zagreb


Petar Penava, dipl.oec.
Telefon: +385 1 3778 236
Fax: + 385 1 3770 681
Address: Ilica 223, 10000 Zagreb


Ivica Golubić, dipl.iur.
Telefon: +385 1 5582 135
Fax: + 385 1 3770 681
Address: Ilica 223, 10000 Zagreb


Ivan Tomašević
Telefon: +385 1 3758 015
Fax: + 385 1 3770 681
Address: Ilica 223, 10000 Zagreb


Business and financial activities

Public powers and activities
The Zagreb Red Cross City Society is a legal entity and, in accordance with the Law on the Croatian Red Cross, the Statute of the Croatian Red Cross and the Statute of the Zagreb City Red Cross, performs the following public authorities and activities for the needs of the local community.

Access to information

The right to access information owned, disposed of or controlled by the Zagreb City Red Cross Society is regulated by the Right to Information Act (Official Gazette 25/13).


The law also prescribes the principles of the right of access, exceptions to the right of access, the right to re-use of information, and the procedure for exercising and protecting the right of access to information. The aim of the law is to enable and provide information to natural and legal persons through the openness and publicity of the activities of public authorities, in accordance with the law.

Information Officer of the Zagreb Red Cross City Society:
Ivica Golubić, B.Sc.

The right to information is realized by submitting a request to the City Red Cross Society of Zagreb:

– by mail to: Ilica 223, 10000 Zagreb
– by telephone on 01/5582 135
– on fax number: 01/3770 681
– by email at:
The public authority is entitled to reimbursement of the actual material costs incurred by the applicant in connection with the provision and submission of the requested information. The amount of the access fee and the way the fee is charged are prescribed

Kriterijima za određivanje visine naknade stvarnih troškova i troškova dostave informacije (NN 12/14).

Obrazac-Zahtjev za dopunu ili ispravak informacija

Obrazac-Zahtjev za ponovnu uporabu informacija

Obrazac-Zahtjev za pristup informacijama

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